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Produkt zum Begriff Collaboration:

  • Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs
    Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs

    “I spend much time helping organizations capture requirements and even more time helping them recover from not capturing requirements. Many of them have gone through some motions regarding requirements as if they were sleepworking. It’s time to wake up and do it right–and this book is going to be their alarm clock.”     –Jerry Weinberg, author of numerous books on productivity enhancement “In today’s complex, fast-paced software development environment, collaboration–the intense peer-to-peer conversations that result in products, decisions, and knowledge sharing–is absolutely essential to success. But all too often, attempts to collaborate degenerate into agonizing meetings or ineffectual bull sessions. Ellen's wonderful book will help you bridge the gap–turning the agony of meetings into the ecstasy of effective collaboration.”     –Jim Highsmith, a pioneer in adaptive software development methods “Requirements by Collaboration presents a wealth of practical tools and techniques for facilitating requirements development workshops. It is suitable–no, essential reading–for requirements workshop facilitators. It will help both technical people and customer representatives participate in these critical contributions to software success.”     –Karl Wiegers, Principal Consultant, Process Impact, author of Software Requirements “The need for this particular book, at this particular time, is crystal clear. We have entered a new age where software development must be viewed as a form of business problem solving. That means direct user participation in developing ‘requirements,’ or more accurately, in jointly working the business problem. That, in turn, means facilitated sessions. In this book, Ellen Gottesdiener provides a wealth of practical ideas for ensuring that you have exactly the right stuff for this all-important area of professional art.”     –Ronald G. Ross, Principal, Business Rule Solutions, LLC, Executive Editor, “Gottesdiener’s years of software development experience coupled with her straight-forward writing style make her book a perfect choice for either a senior developer or a midlevel project manager. In addition to her technical experience, her knowledge of group dynamics balance the book by educating the reader on how to manage conflict and personality differences within a requirements team–something that is missing from most requirements textbooks...It is a required ‘handbook’ that will be referred to again and again.”     –Kay Christian, ebusiness Consultant, Conifer, Colorado “Requirements by Collaboration is a ‘must read’ for any system stakeholder. End users and system analysts will learn the significant value they can add to the systems development process. Management will learn the tremendous return they may receive from making a modest time/people investment in facilitated sessions. Facilitators will discover ways to glean an amazing amount of high-quality information in a relatively brief time.”     –Russ Schwartz, Computer System Quality Consultant, Global Biotechnology Firm “In addition to showing how requirements are identified, evaluated, and confirmed, Ellen provides important guidance based on her own real-world experience for creating and managing the workshop environment in which requirements are generated. This book is an engaging and invaluable resource for project teams and sponsors, both business and IT, who are committed to achieving results in the most productive manner possible.”     –Hal Thilmony, Senior Manager, Business Process Improvement (Finance), CiscoSystems, Inc. “Project managers should read this book for assistance with planning the requirements process. Experienced facilitators will enrich their knowledge. New facilitators can use this book to get them up to speed and become more effective in less time.”     –Rob Stroober, Competence Development Manager and Project Manager, Deloitte &Touche Consultdata, The Netherlands “While many books discuss the details of software requirement artifacts (for example, use cases), Ellen’s new book zeros in on effective workshop techniques and tools used to gather the content of these artifacts. As a pioneer in requirements workshops, she shares her real-life experiences in a comprehensive and easy-to-read book with many helpful examples and diagrams.”     –Bill Bird, Aera Energy LLC “Requirements by Collaboration is absolutely full of guidance on the most effective ways to use workshops in requirements capture. This book will help workshop owners and facilitators to determine and gain agreement on a sound set of requirements, which will form a solid foundation for the development work that is to follow.”     –Jennifer Stapleton, Software Process Consultant and author of DSDM: The Methodin Practice “This book provides an array of techniques within a clear, structured process, along with excellent examples of how and when to use them. It’s an excellent, practical, and really useful handbook written by a very experienced author!”     –Jean-Anne Kirk, Director DSDM Consortium and IAF Professional Development “Ellen has written a detailed, comprehensive, and practical handbook for facilitating groups in gathering requirements. The processes she outlines give the facilitator tools to bring together very different perspectives from stakeholders elegantly and with practical, useable results.”     –Jo Nelson, Principal, ICA Associates, Inc., Chair, IAF (2001-2002) Requirements by Collaboration: Workshops for Defining Needs focuses on the human side of software development--how well we work with our customers and teammates. Experience shows that the quality and degree of participation, communication, respect, and trust among all the stakeholders in a project can strongly influence its success or failure. Ellen Gottesdiener points out that such qualities are especially important when defining user requirements and she shows in this book exactly what to do about that fact. Gottesdiener shows specifically how to plan and conduct requirements workshops. These carefully organized and facilitated meetings bring business managers, technical staff, customers, and users into a setting where, together, they can discover, evolve, validate, verify, and agree upon their product needs. Not only are their requirements more effectively defined through this collaboration, but the foundation is laid for good teamwork throughout the entire project. Other books focus on how to build the product right. Requirements by Collaboration focuses instead on what must come first--the right product to build.

    Preis: 33.16 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • CCNP and CCIE Collaboration Core CLCOR 350-801 Official Cert Guide
    CCNP and CCIE Collaboration Core CLCOR 350-801 Official Cert Guide

    Trust the best-selling Official Cert Guide series from Cisco Press to help you learn, prepare, and practice for the CCNP and CCIE CLCOR 350-801 exam. Well regarded for its level of detail, study plans, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, CCNP and CCIE Collaboration Core CLCOR 350-801 Official Cert Guide, Second Edition, helps you master the concepts and techniques that ensure your exam success and is the only self-study resource approved by Cisco. Expert author Jason Ball shares preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness, and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills.   This complete study package includes: A test-preparation routine proven to help you pass the exam Do I Know This Already? quizzes, which allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section Exam Topic lists that make referencing easy Chapter-ending exercises, which help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly The powerful Pearson Test Prep Practice Test software, complete with hundreds of well-reviewed, exam-realistic questions, customization options, and detailed performance reports An online Flash Cards application to help you drill on Key Terms by chapter A final preparation chapter, which guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your review and test-taking strategies Study plan suggestions and templates to help you organize and optimize your study time Content Update Program: This fully updated second edition includes the latest topics and additional information covering changes to the latest CLCOR 350-801 exam. Visit for information on annual digital updates for this book that align to Cisco exam blueprint version changes.   This official study guide helps you master all the topics on the CCNP/CCIE Collaboration Core CLCOR exam, including Infrastructure and design Protocols, codecs, and endpoints Cisco IOS XE Gateway and Media resources Call control QoS Collaboration applications Webex Calling and the Webex App     Companion Website: The companion website contains more than 200 unique practice exam questions, practice exercises, a study planner, and online flash cards.   Pearson Test Prep online system requirements: Browsers: Microsoft Edge 90 and above, Chrome version 105 and above, and Safari version 13 and above. Devices: Desktop and laptop computers, tablets running Android v10.0 and above or iPad OS v14 and above, smartphones running Android v10.0 and above or iOS v14 and above with a minimum screen size of 4.7". Internet access required. Pearson Test Prep offline system requirements: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1; Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Client; Pentium-class 1 GHz processor (or equivalent); 512 MB RAM; 650 MB disk space plus 50 MB for each downloaded practice exam; access to the Internet to register and download exam databases

    Preis: 63.12 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • EPOS EXPAND Vision 3T Core, Video Collaboration Bar für Microsoft TEAMS 1001169
    EPOS EXPAND Vision 3T Core, Video Collaboration Bar für Microsoft TEAMS 1001169

    EPOS EXPAND Vision 3T Core, Video Collaboration Bar für Microsoft TEAMS 1001169 NEU / OVP Herstellernummer: 1001169 EXPAND Vision 3T Core, Video Collaboration Bar für Microsoft TEAMS Hochauflösende Videolösung für Microsoft Teams Rooms auf Android für das intelligente Büro von heute. Nehmen Sie mit nur einem Tastendruck an Meetings teil und genießen Sie ein umfassendes Microsoft Teams Erlebnis. Lieferumfang ohne Speakerphone, damit Sie die Freiheit haben, sich zwischen dem EPOS EXPAND 80T und EXPAND 30T für eine von Microsoft Teams zertifizierte Lösung zu entscheiden. Das intelligente, schlanke und elegante EXPAND Vision 3T Core ist eine hochwertige Videokonferenzlösung für kleine Meetingräume (für bis zu 8 Teilnehmer). Genießen Sie Sorgenfreiheit mit automatischen Software-Updates. Videogestützte Zusammenarbeit - Neu erfunden 4K-Weitwinkelkamera mit Sony Sensor und erweiterter PTZ-Funktion Intelligente Lösung mit automatischen Software-Updates, Remote-Geräteverwaltung und -Bereitstellung Nutzerfreundliche Plug-and-Play-Lösung „One-Touch“-Teilnahme - Kein PC erforderlich - Ein Tastendruck und Sie sind dabei Für Microsoft Teams zertifiziert (gilt, wenn das EXPAND Vision 3T Core an das EPOS EXPAND 30T oder EXPAND 80T angeschlossen ist) Technische Beschreibung Anschlüsse: Ethernet, HDMI-Ausgang, USB-C/Display-Anschluss, USB-A, MicroSD Lieferumfang EPOS EXPAND Vision 3T Video-Konferenzlösung, Bluetooth Fernbedienung, Universal-Netzteil, USB-C Verlängerungskabel (5 m), HDMI-Kabel, USB-C-zu-USB-A-Adapter, Wandhalterung, Sicherheitshinweise, Kurzanleitung, Konformitätserklärung

    Preis: 1055.28 € | Versand*: 6.84 €
  • CCNP Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions CLCEI 300-820 Official Cert Guide
    CCNP Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions CLCEI 300-820 Official Cert Guide

    This is the eBook version of the print title. Note that the eBook does not provide access to the practice test software that accompanies the print book.Learn, prepare, and practice for Cisco CCNP Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions CLCEI 300-820 exam success with this Official Cert Guide from Cisco Press, a leader in IT certification learning and the only self-study resource approved by Cisco.* Master CCNP Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions CLCEI 300-820 exam topics * Assess your knowledge with chapter-ending quizzes * Review key concepts with exam preparation tasksCCNP Collaboration Cloud and Edge Solutions CLCEI 300-820 Official Cert Guide is a complete exam study guide. Collaboration experts Jason Ball and TJ Arneson share preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics.The book presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. Exam topic lists make referencing easy. Chapter-ending Exam Preparation Tasks help you drill on key concepts you must know thoroughly. Review questions help you assess your knowledge, and a final preparation chapter guides you through tools and resources to help you craft your final study plan.Well regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, and challenging review questions and exercises, this study guide helps you master the concepts and techniques that will help you succeed on the exam.This official study guide helps you master the topics on the CLCEI 300-820 exam, including* Key concepts* Initial Expressway configurations* Mobile and remote access* Cisco Webex technologies

    Preis: 51.35 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann man das Wohnambiente so gestalten, dass es zur Entspannung und Gemütlichkeit beiträgt?

    1. Verwende warme Farben wie Erdtöne oder Pastellfarben, um eine gemütliche Atmosphäre zu schaffen. 2. Setze auf weiche Textilien wie Kissen, Decken und Teppiche für mehr Komfort. 3. Integriere natürliche Elemente wie Pflanzen oder Holzmöbel, um eine entspannte und harmonische Umgebung zu schaffen.

  • Wie kann man seine Sofaecke optimal gestalten, um maximalen Komfort und Gemütlichkeit zu erreichen?

    1. Wähle ein bequemes Sofa mit weichen Kissen und Decken. 2. Ergänze den Raum mit einem Teppich, Beistelltischen und Lampen für eine gemütliche Atmosphäre. 3. Füge persönliche Dekorationen wie Kissen, Bilder und Pflanzen hinzu, um die Sofaecke zu einem entspannenden Rückzugsort zu machen.

  • Was sind die Vorteile eines Tapetenwechsels für die Raumgestaltung und das Wohlbefinden in den Bereichen Innenarchitektur, Wohnkultur und psychologisches Wohlbefinden?

    Ein Tapetenwechsel kann einen Raum völlig verändern und ihm ein frisches, neues Aussehen verleihen. Dies kann dazu beitragen, dass sich die Bewohner des Raumes inspiriert und erneuert fühlen. Darüber hinaus kann die Auswahl einer neuen Tapete die Stimmung und Atmosphäre des Raumes beeinflussen, was sich positiv auf das psychologische Wohlbefinden auswirken kann. Außerdem kann ein Tapetenwechsel dazu beitragen, dass sich die Bewohner des Raumes kreativer und produktiver fühlen, da sie in einer neuen Umgebung neue Perspektiven und Ideen entwickeln können.

  • Wie kann man ein natürliches Wohnambiente schaffen, das Komfort und Harmonie in den eigenen vier Wänden bringt?

    1. Verwende natürliche Materialien wie Holz, Stein und Pflanzen, um eine warme und gemütliche Atmosphäre zu schaffen. 2. Setze auf eine dezente Farbpalette und natürliche Lichtquellen, um Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit zu fördern. 3. Reduziere Unordnung und schaffe klare Strukturen, um ein harmonisches und entspanntes Wohngefühl zu erreichen.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Collaboration:

  • Applying Advanced Analytics to HR Management Decisions: Methods for Selection, Developing Incentives, and Improving Collaboration
    Applying Advanced Analytics to HR Management Decisions: Methods for Selection, Developing Incentives, and Improving Collaboration

    Dramatically improve human capital management decisions by applying advanced analytics and "Big Data" technologies and processes! Pioneering HR technology expert James Sesil identifies widespread flaws in today's HR decision-making processes, and reveals how advanced analytics can help organizations make far more robust decisions about employee selection, performance management, strategy alignment, collaboration, and more. In this book he shows how to integrate Business Intelligence, ERP, Strategy Maps, Talent Management Suites, and advanced analytics -- and use them together to make far better decisions. You'll learn how to measure and improve the value of HCM decision-making in workforce/succession planning, talent acquisition, career development, corporate learning, and beyond. Sesil teaches key lessons from sources ranging from online dating services to Moneyball-style sports player selection processes. He shows how to systematically improve decision-making through more complete and sophisticated collaboration and new Collective Intelligence approaches. You'll learn how to use both internal and external data sources more effectively, and review a wide variety of advanced tools now available from vendors such as OrcaEyes, Vemo, Aruspex, Peoplefluent, Infor/Lawson, DecisionLens, Oracle, Ultimate, Cogniti, IBM, SAP, and Microsoft. Sesil concludes by demonstrating how to build "data driven" cultures and organizations that truly want to bring objectivity to decision-making, and will actually use these remarkable new tools. This book will be an invaluable resource for every HR executive, manager, analyst, and IT professional seeking new opportunities for competitive advantage through human capital and technological innovation.

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  • Casa Padrino Luxus Obelisk Skulpturen Set (2 Stk) Antik Stil Spiegelglas - Hotel Einrichtung - Luxus Dekoration
    Casa Padrino Luxus Obelisk Skulpturen Set (2 Stk) Antik Stil Spiegelglas - Hotel Einrichtung - Luxus Dekoration

    Casa Padrino Luxus Obelisk Skulpturen Set (2 Stk) Antik Stil Spiegelglas - Hotel Einrichtung - Luxus Dekoration Abmessungen: 16 x 16 x H. 52 cm Farbe: Antik Stil Spiegelglas Material: Spiegelglas, Holz Das Set besteht aus 2 Skulpturen Klassisch und zugleich luxuriös. Ein echter Hingucker für ein stilvolles Wohnambiente!

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  • Casa Padrino Tiffany Glas Mosaik Wand Dekoration 62 x H 72 cm - Restaurant Cafe Hotel Einrichtung
    Casa Padrino Tiffany Glas Mosaik Wand Dekoration 62 x H 72 cm - Restaurant Cafe Hotel Einrichtung

    Casa Padrino Tiffany Glas Mosaik Wand Dekoration Abmessung: 62 x H 72 cm Material: Glas / Metall Handgefertigt aus 537 einzelnen Glasstücken Handarbeit Sie kaufen ein Produkt der Marke Casa Padrino. Casa Padrino ist ein europaweit renomierter Produzent und Vertrieb von Barock Möbeln und Luxus Dekorationsartikeln und ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen beim deutschen Patent und Markenamt.

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  • 4FT Verstellbarer Treppenhandlauf Schwarz Eisen 3 bis 4 Stufen Stabil Stilvoll Dekoration Wohnen
    4FT Verstellbarer Treppenhandlauf Schwarz Eisen 3 bis 4 Stufen Stabil Stilvoll Dekoration Wohnen

    4FT Verstellbarer Treppenhandlauf Schwarz Eisen 3 bis 4 Stufen Stabil Stilvoll Dekoration WohnenPassend für 4 StufenHöhenverstellbarHochwertiges SchmiedeeisenEinfach zu installierenEleganter & modischer StilBreite AnwendungStufen: 4,Farbe: Schwarz,Modell: TYFS-4FT,Abstand zwischen den Pfosten: 37,6 Zoll / 95,5 cm,Produktgewicht: 30 lbs / 13,6 kg,Material: Schmiedeeisen,Obere Pfostenhöhe: 38,2 Zoll / 97 cm,Höhe unterer Pfosten: 106 cm (41,7 Zoll),Maximale Höhe für Stufen: 18,7 Zoll / 47,5 cm

    Preis: 88.99 € | Versand*: free shipping €
  • Was sind einige kreative Möglichkeiten, eine vorhandene Einrichtung oder Raumgestaltung umzugestalten, um eine neue Atmosphäre zu schaffen?

    Einrichtungsgegenstände umstellen, um einen neuen Raumfluss zu schaffen. Neue Farben an den Wänden oder Möbeln verwenden, um eine frische Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Dekorative Elemente wie Kissen, Teppiche oder Bilder hinzufügen, um den Raum aufzuwerten.

  • Welche Gestaltungselemente sind typisch für skandinavische Wohnkultur?

    Typisch für skandinavische Wohnkultur sind helle Farben wie Weiß und Pastelltöne, minimalistisches Design und natürliche Materialien wie Holz und Leinen. Zudem sind klare Linien, schlichte Möbel und gemütliche Textilien wie Kissen und Decken charakteristisch für skandinavisches Design. Auch Pflanzen und natürliche Lichtquellen wie große Fenster spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der skandinavischen Wohnkultur.

  • Wie kann man einen Raumakzent schaffen, der sowohl in der Innenarchitektur als auch im Bereich der Raumgestaltung und Dekoration eine bedeutende Rolle spielt?

    Ein Raumakzent kann durch die Verwendung von auffälligen Farben, Mustern oder Materialien geschaffen werden, die sich von der übrigen Raumgestaltung abheben. Einzelne Möbelstücke oder Kunstwerke können ebenfalls als Akzent dienen und den Fokus auf bestimmte Bereiche des Raumes lenken. Durch die gezielte Platzierung von Beleuchtungselementen wie Stehlampen oder Wandstrahlern kann ein Raumakzent geschaffen werden, der die Aufmerksamkeit auf bestimmte Bereiche lenkt. Pflanzen und andere dekorative Elemente können ebenfalls als Akzente dienen und dem Raum eine persönliche Note verleihen.

  • Wie kann der Komfort in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen, wie zum Beispiel im Wohnen, Reisen und Arbeitsumfeld, verbessert werden?

    Der Komfort in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen kann durch die Verwendung von ergonomischen Möbeln und Einrichtungsgegenständen im Wohnen verbessert werden. Beim Reisen kann der Komfort durch die Auswahl von komfortablen Transportmitteln und Unterkünften gesteigert werden. Im Arbeitsumfeld kann der Komfort durch die Gestaltung von ergonomischen Arbeitsplätzen und die Förderung einer gesunden Work-Life-Balance verbessert werden. Darüber hinaus können Technologien wie Smart-Home-Systeme und Reise-Apps dazu beitragen, den Komfort in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen zu steigern.

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